Monday, September 5, 2011

I am Anna !! But am I right ?

Not very long ago India has noticed one of the biggest protest against the government after the Independence. And again its an old man with his hunger strike bringing men and women together to raise their voices against corruption in the country.

Here we have a 75 year old man, who now has become the face of the nation and amazingly has become an idol for the youth of the nation.

"I am Anna" says the Gandhi caps that the youth of India have sitting on their heads while the country puts together an anti corruption protest.

Looks like the Jan Lokpal is here to stay, but the question is will it really be the magic wand that all of us are expecting it to be ?

The effectiveness of the bill can be ignored here as it is better to try out something rather than sitting and hoping for things to improve, and this is my reason to support Jan Lokpal, but the methods are still something I am not sure of.

How correct is it to force the government to pass a bill in the way its been forced upon them ? Does this movement open up an opportunity for the corrupt and the evil to make use of public support to do bad to the country ?

Although team Anna here are pretty reliable in terms of their work and intentions, some questions on the methodology behind the movement can be raised.

Its great to have such large number of people ready to fight it out for the betterment of the country but it is also very very important to respect the constitution that is in place and keep our support only after we have thought of the positives and negatives alike.

All said, the movement did indicate that we as Indians still are ready to strive hard to make our country a better place to live in and the peace full nature of the movement indicated that there is a deep thought behind every person joining the movement, this makes me feel that we as Indians are wide awake to whats happening in the country and our steps are well thought of.

A big JAI HO !! to Anna and team and to the masses who have supported them.
I am not sure how far this will go in terms of making India a corruption free country but the efforts are valiant and deserve a JAI HO !! for all of us.

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Day Of Independence : Tryst With Destiny

"Long years ago we made a tryst with destiny, and now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge, not wholly or in full measure, but very substantially. At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom. A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends, and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance."

-- Pandit Jawaharlaal Nehru

64 years after Pandit Jawaharlaal Nehru gave the very famous nerve shivering speech titled "The Tryst With Destiny", the day of our Independence is here today for us to celebrate. He rightly said that the moment of Independence rarely comes as even though we celebrate this day every year throughout the country, that very stroke of midnight, 15th August 1947 is just unmatched.

Although we hoist our national flag every year, year after year, with the national anthem in the background, do we really feel the burst of patriotism that those people who witnessed 15th August 1947 must have felt.

For us its really just a burst of patriotism that sneaks in on two national holidays only, is there a true feeling of nationalism  and patriotism that is substantial ? this is the question to be asked by every individual to himself.

Patriotism is not something that is bound to a certain day that is historical but its something that should be with us for ever in our hearts with every step we take on our mother land, only then will our country be free in real terms, only then will India truly  awake to life and freedom.

Lets refer to all those great men who fought for the country and  gave us our Independence. Lets not just cleberate the freedom that we already have, its time to remember the loses as the Independence did  not come cheaply. Lets crave that much harder to make our country a much better place where no old man like Anna Hazare needs to starve to fight against corruption.

Jai Ho !!! For the day in history that allows us to live the way we live today.
Happy Independence Day

Monday, February 21, 2011

Is Urbanization killing agriculture !!!!

Today India as a country and we as its citizens speak out proudly about the overall developements in the country, and surely when we look at the global impact that we have now is something that supports our views.
But are we really heading in the right direction or is it something that has been put in our minds to hide out the facts that exist underneath the blanket. Let's analyse a little !!!

History of India tells us that we are a country of farmers, where agriculture has been our economic backbone for ages, but all this seems to be history now,
things have started to change. Urbanization is the magic word, you look around and you will notice the changes in culture. More people walking away from agriculture
and walking towards urban area in search of work. So far so good !!! We have the results in front of us to write down a long list of benifits, but are we missing something here ?
we sure are !! all of the good that urbanization brings in, there are a few grey areas too and some of  these threaten to be a majaor causes of concerns.
One of them most definitely is the rate of decline of agricultural lands and lack of farmers willing to continue farming.

Today the prices for agricultural comodities are at their highest. Although we hear our politicains blame the global market, but the point is we have never been dependent
on the global market for the basic agro based products. The only reason that I can figure out is neglegence towards a sector that is supposed to be our strength.
Urbanization does not by any stretch of imagination mean wiping out agriculture from your country and specially with the country like ours where the whole dynamics including whether, land etc are tailor made of agriculture.

With the decline of agricluture we are in the near future on the verge of creating huge slum areas in all of our major cities. With the increasing number of farmers migrating more and more farm land is going to vanish.This is a phase of self destruction which if allowed to continue can ruin a country. Why does a farmer commit suicide ?
we get all the statistics for farmer suicides, we watch on television tons of wheat left out in open to be damamged in rains, and then we sit at home wondoring why the hell
my CHAPATI is costing me so much ???.

These are a few qestions that are already answered !!! the INFRATRUCTURE !!! its poor, with the growing populations we need more storage places.
The education system needs to be such that it does not explicitly stress on Urbanization, but also reintroduces agriculture as a positive and a career building option.

This is the time, if things drift the way they are now then I am not sure how much of urbanization is good enough. There needs to be a right balance so as to form a stable economy.

We don't need an India with only factories emitting smoke and machine like human beings working in IT & BPO industries etc.

DO WE ?????

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Top Indian events at a glance !!!!

Godhra !! A Sad Tale
Godhra - 2002

Hindu - Muslim riots are not alien to India and 2002 was just of one those events that have blown away peace from the citizens of India.
A huge event all for the wrong reasons and needs to deep berried only by the citizens and not by the judiciary.

Mumbai Attacks !! Biggest terror act.

Mumbai Attacks - 2008

An event and a day that needs no telling anymore. Pretty fresh on every ones mind it remains to be the most tragic event that has hurt India deep in its hearts.

Ayodhya Verdict
Ayodhya Verdict

Something for India to cheer about, not at the past that has passed away but for the sensibility that has finally prevailed.
Lets hope this issues stays done and dusted for ever !!!

First T20 Champions 2007

T20 World Cup Win

This came as a big big surprise to the world as no one gave us a chance when the team was first declared at the start of the tournament. A team with all the superstars missing did not seam a world cup winning squad. But Dhoni and co. had other ideas and came up with stunning performance to bring home the first ever T20 world cup.

JAi Ho !!! India
A very HAPPY NEW YEAR from the JAi Ho team.